Sunday, February 3, 2013

Homemade Healthy Protein Bar

Do you like protein bars to snack on during the day? 
I do. But they have so many hidden ingredients that lets just say makes most of them less than healthy! This is my homemade version that is not only good for you but much cheaper than than the store bought bars.  Enjoy!

1 ¼ C Peanut Butter
4 C Rolled Oats -
1 ¼ C Dried Cranberries
½ - ¾ C chopped nuts (I use almonds or walnuts)
2 T ground flaxseed
1 ¼ C water
5 servings of protein powder – preferably a rice/plant based protein (I like the Sunwarrior vanilla)

Blend all ingredients together well. I throw it all in my kitchen aid and let it do it for me. But hand mixing works great too.
It should be sticky - add more water if it is too flaky.
Firmly press into a cookie sheet. I place a layer of saran wrap into the cookie sheet, then add the ingredients followed by an additional layer of saran wrap on top of the bars– this allows me to firmly press them into the cookie sheet using a rolling pin without it sticking to the rolling pin. This also makes removal from the cookie sheet a breeze.
Once bars are evenly and firmly pressed into the cookie sheet, place cookie sheet into the freezer for 30-40 minutes
Remove from freezer and grab both layers of saran wrap lifting the entire bars out of the cookie sheet.
Place on a counter, remove top sheet of saran wrap and cut into desired sized bars
Makes approx. 20- 25 bars

For variations you may grind a small amount of dark chocolate or add coconut shreds etc. Just be sure to adjust water & peanut butter

Friday, January 18, 2013

When Someday is Now


"If you wait until everything is perfect in your life before you start transforming your health and fitness, you'll be waiting forever. The best time to do it is NOW". ~Bill Phillips

I came across a quote today that made me stop, go back and re-read it. My reaction was an audible “huh” This was something that I could relate to and I am sure you can too.

This quote really summed up to me why so many of us never get to where we really want to be with not only our health and fitness, but also with our careers and relationships. Do you find yourself saying "I will do it when" …when life calms down a bit, when the kids get done with this or that activity, when I am finished with this project, or my favorite: when I have more money.

Fact is life will ALWAYS have crazy schedules, unexpected events, and stress to one degree or another. What you need to do is ask yourself:  How bad do you want it? Are you willing to do what it will take to get it? 

Once you have answered that, fitting it in with all the other wonderful crazy things you have going on in your life will be much easier because you will make it a priority.

Funny thing is all those crazy, busy things you have going on in your life will actually go much smoother and be far less stressful with a healthy body and mind and a balanced life :)

I am ready...are you?
It's your life..Opt In!

Monday, October 15, 2012

If You Want Something Different...

...You must do something different.

Ah it's Monday...hmm? I wonder how many of you vowed to start doing something as of today, or to quit doing something as of today?

Why do we "have to wait until Monday?"  If you are like me, Monday has not been my start something new day, it has been my feel guilty day. Guilty for not starting what I had set out to do, and having to have waited until Monday to do it  - only to not have followed through...again!

We know we cannot do what we have always done and expect a different result - sounds simple yet I do it, and I am certain you all have as well. Do we honestly think this Monday will be any different than the last?

What if we just went for it and started on a Tuesday, or Hump day even! Let's not wait - do it this week - not next week. It doesn't have to be a major thing - the smallest things make huge differences. (going to bed earlier, drinking less soda, walking during lunch etc)

I challenge you to do something different and start something new that will help you reach one of your goals this week!! To make us all accountable :) please share below which day you are starting and what you will be doing (or not doing).
I am going to get to bed earlier and not miss any of my workouts this week.

Ready? it's your life! To start living it, you must Opt in!!!


Sunday, April 15, 2012

Spring Cleaning – You!

 Spring is upon us and it’s that time of year when we come out of the short, cold & dreary days of winter and are moving into the longer, warmer and sunny days of spring. This time of year we seem to naturally want to “Spring Clean” and clean out the garage, go through the piles that have collected in our homes over winter, and get the yard trimmed and ready so we can see the fabulous color that explodes in our yards.  We want to put away the coats, gloves and hats and bring out the shorts, tank, and swimsuits. 

HOLD IT!  Shorts, tanks and…. swimsuits???  OK, now, if you are like me, you start to panic!  

No need to worry or have regrets about New Year Resolutions you have not kept.  Instead, I would like to challenge you to join me and “Spring Clean” YOU! 
Start fresh, it does not matter what you have already done or not done. There is nothing you can do about it and it does you no good to give it another thought. Lets instead focus on the future and what you WILL do.

Don’t over think it!  It doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, it is quite simple.  It does require some effort, and there is no magic remote that will fix it. But I guarantee you will feel less overwhelmed, have more energy, and get more accomplished.

Lets get started…

First – you need to clean up what you are eating!!  You are in fact what you eat - no way around it.

1.     Get rid of the sugar – cut out sugary drinks (including diet soda!), cut out sweets and candy.  If you need something sweet use honey, Stevia or Agave. Stay Away from sugar substitutes!
2.     Add more vegetables and fruits in your diet and cut back on the dairy and meat.  Smoothies are a great way to include more vegetables and fruits as well as salads – just be careful what you are adding to that salad!
Try almond, rice or soymilk, cut back on cheese, sour cream and butter.  Try 1 or 2 recipes a week that has no meat or add less meat.
3.     Eat “clean” – You can do this by cutting back on processed food. If it comes in a can, a box, pouch, or came fully prepared and is frozen (frozen pizza, hot pockets etc.) DO NOT eat it!  Instead choose to prepare your food from fresh ingredients that have not been processed.  Processed foods add things you cannot even pronounce yet alone should eat!  Not to mention additives in our food cause many serious and problematic side effects (one of the most common is migraines) and does nothing to actually nourish your body. - which is why we eat is it not?

This may take a little planning. but is not difficult and definitely worth the extra time.  Write a grocery list and maybe try a new recipe!  (I love  Not only will this help you plan ahead and make better food choices, shopping from a list has been proven to drastically cut your grocery bill - even better – yes?

Second – Get more organized
We all feel better and can do more when we remove clutter from our lives and are more organized.  Pick one or two things in your home that have been frustrating you and clean it out.  An example would be struggling to find clothes to wear in the morning.  Schedule part of a day this coming week to get your laundry caught up and closet organized. 
Or this may be a pile in the kitchen, or a room that needs organizing,. Whatever it is pick one or two projects and schedule a day you are going to get it done. Being more organized leaves time for other things you want to accomplish.

Third – You knew this one was coming…exercise! 
You need to get moving more. I know, I know, you have heard this all before but just take a small step and get started. Take a 30-minute walk preferably everyday, but at least 3 times a week– that’s it!  It is a start and very doable.  Walking this time of year is also very enjoyable with all the colors, and warmer weather.  Don’t over think it just do it.  No need to worry about special clothing, shoes etc.  Just make sure you are dressed and grab a bottle of water – done! 

I could go on and on about the benefits of exercising but we all know it is good for us.  I would, however, like to give  you a refresher:  You will sleep better, think better, look better and just feel better! 

Last, but certainly not least, take time even if it’s only an hour and unplug from the rest of the world. Take some time for you.  Shut off TV, turn the laptop off, set your phone on the counter and take a warm bubble bath, read, do Yoga, or take that walk ;) whatever it is just allow yourself to tune into YOU and relax.

I am starting my spring cleaning  - join me and please share your experience in the comments below.

Ahhh!… I LOVE Spring!


Friday, March 23, 2012

Time to Plant your Seeds?

Part of eating a healthier diet and changing your lifestyle is eating more vegetables.
One of the best ways to get those vegetables, and not have to worry about what is in and on your veggies, is to grow your own.  The secret to having the scrumptious garden fresh fruits and vegetables is to start early.  Not too early though.
Living here is Northern Utah it is still pretty cold outside so what can a person do?

I don’t want to get bogged down in talking about specific plant types at this point. I only want to get you all thinking about your garden. 
Let’s look now at when to start your seeds. If you know when to plant then you can plan what to plant.

The US Department of Agriculture puts the country in zones called hardiness zones. The zones are ranked from zone 1 to zone 13, zone 1 being the coldest, (Alaska, Minnesota) and 13 being the warmest, (Hawaii and Puerto Rico). 

Northern Utah, where I live, has range from a 6b, which has an average low winter temperature of zero to -5 degrees, to zone 4b, with an average low winter temperature of -20 to -25 degrees.
To find the zone rating for your specific area, visit the USDA plant hardiness site

My particular zone is 6a (-10 to -15 average low temperature.)
Knowing my zone tells me a number of things like what types of plants do well in my area, but more importantly when the average frost days are for my area. Specifically first and last frost averages.  Knowing these dates can give you a pretty good idea of when to plant your seeds (inside or out)

My last frost date is right around May 23 so I want to be thinking about what I want to plant. Then finding out when the best time to start the seeds are.
Also determine if you need to start indoors or if your seeds will do well in the ground outside.

Carrots, beets, onions and chard are hardy plants resistant to frost so they can be started outside about 4-6 weeks before the last frost.
On the last average frost date you can plant tomatoes, corn, beans and squash. While tender more susceptible plants like eggplant, melons, peppers and cucumbers should be planted at least a week after the last average frost date.

If you want to get a jump on the season, I recommend starting your seeds indoors. Tomatoes and peppers should be started 4-6 weeks before last frost. Melons, squash and eggplant should be started 2-3 weeks before that.

Looking at this info I think I need to be planning what I want this season and getting down to the gardening center to get my seeds and planters.

Feel free to comment and let me know what you are planting and when are going to.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Suprise Salad Sandwich Filling

A great meatless option (vegan) for your lunch and one of my new favorites!
I call it "Surprise" Salad Sandwich Filling because it will definitely surprise you at how much this genuinely tastes like your traditional chicken salad sandwich filling. The kind normally found snuggled between a flaky croissant at gatherings.
My 15 yr old daughter came in the kitchen while I was preparing this and asked "What are you making? it smells really good!"  The look, smell & taste would fool even the fussiest of omnivores and it has over 5g of protein and 5g of fiber per serving!
I don't know about you, but I tend to get stuck in a rut with my lunches and this has been a welcomed change!

1 - 15.5 oz can of garbanzo beans  drained and mashed
2 - Tbsp of Veganaise -  (Mayo or Miracle Whip may be substituted but are not vegan)
2 - tsp Spicy brown mustard
1 - Tbsp sweet pickle relish
2 - green onions - chopped
Salt & Pepper to taste

In a medium bowl combine all ingredients and mix well.  Refrigerate any leftovers

4 servings

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Love Vitamin

Love and healthy relationships are good for your physical health too...
Happily married couples have less stress, and are less likely to develop cancer & dementia. On the opposite end of this is divorced people have about 20% more chronic health problems than married people do. Our relationships effect many aspects of our lives including our health, so make sure not to ignore this very important part of your overall health.
Vitamin L - A great article from IIN (the school I am attending)

Happy Valentines Day!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Meatless Pizza Casserole

This is a simple, quick, and tasty recipe for any day of the week, but it is also a great meatless Monday recipe!

1 box Penne pasta - I used brown rice gluten-free Penne pasta
1 bell pepper any color, chopped
1 onion chopped
1 cup frozen corn
1 small zucchini chopped
1 can olives sliced
1 cup sliced mushrooms
Any other Veggies you would like in it
1-2 Tablespoons of Olive oil
1 jar of Spaghetti sauce - I used 1-28oz can crushed tomatoes with 1 Tbsp Wild Tree Spaghetti seasoning. You can use what you have, preferably organic or homemade.
Any other spices and seasonings you want depending on how well seasoned your sauce is
Red Pepper Flakes to taste (optional if you like it spicy)
Sprinkle with parmesan cheese if desired. I used Soy-Sation Soy Cheese.

Cook and drain pasta. In very large frying pan saute all veggies but olives in Olive oil. Add sauce, seasonings and pasta. Simmer for a couple of minutes. Stir in sliced olives.

Prep Time: 10 Minutes
Cook Time: 10 Minutes
Total time: 20 Minutes

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Lies I Tell

When I was a young child, my two best friends (sisters) lived across the street.  Every summer their dad took the whole family to Hawaii for a vacation.  We went to Mirror Lake in the Unitas, camped and chopped wood for the fireplace for the next winter.

Somehow from that memory, the idea took root that if you wanted to go to Hawaii, your dad or husband had to be a rich lawyer or the equivilant.  For all the rest of us, we would have to be satisfied with the mere dream of dipping our toes in crytal clear, warm water and hiking among the lush vegetaion. 

Fast forward 15 years, I'm married with a toddler and my husband is in the National Guard.  An opportunity came up to do training in Hawaii!  Who would say no?  Some spouses also went, but being poor college students, we couldn't afford the airfare for me.  And really, who am I to expect to go to Hawaii?   

Three more years go by.  Now I have a preschooler and a newborn.  Guess what?  Another training in Hawaii.  But still strapped and with a 2 month old baby, it's not happening.  Over the years, he also did trips to Italy, England, Alaska, Morocco and even stopped in my ancestral stomping grounds, Iceland.  But those didn't make my heart ache the way Hawaii does.

Eight more years.  Another trip with the Guard.  Mark put his foot down and told me I was going.  He was sick and tired of tagging along with other couples in paradise.  Really?  Really??  I threw out all the objections.  How are we going to pay for this.  We have bills, a mortgage and 5 kids.  Who is going to take care of all those kids for a week?  What?  Here I have the chance to fulfill a BIG dream and I'm objecting? 

Walking on Waikiki that first night and drinking a Lava Flow looking out over the Pacific as the sun melted in to the ocean was phenomenal!

Then the next morning, after dropping Mark off at work, I stopped at a beach on base, climbed on a large lava boulder and watched the sunrise.  It really is impossible to describe the feelings and emotions of the moment.  

That was it.  That was my moment.  I knew as the sky lit up that dreams really can come true.  For decades, I lied to myself.  I held that little desire deep in my heart but never let it breathe in the light of day.  Never set a goal, saved any money, or made a decision.  If it hadn't been for my hubby, I never would have gone that first time.  Or the second, or the third or be planning another in a year and a half.  

This wasn't the only thing I lied about either.  Oh no!  I can't lose weight.  I've had 5 kids, it's just the sacrifice we make.  It's normal to be tired all the time.  TV is a great way to spend an evening.  Who would hire me?  I've been at home for years.  No marketable skills.  Why would anyone care about running.  Exercise hurts, it's not fun.  This is the best it will ever be.  It's all downhill now.

We all tell ourselves lies.  I'm not qualified for that job.  It's been to long...I can't go back to college.  Why would anyone even try to run a marathon.  All this while deep in our hearts, we have a tiny little sliver of a dream.  One we shield from everyone, too afraid it will wither and die from a doubtful glance.  Why?

Why shouldn't we pursue it.  Why can't we have second careers that are completely different, why not see distant lands, why not make a difference in one life.
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
Marianne Williamson

I love that quote.  "...Who are you not be?  ...Playing small does not serve the world."  What powerful words.  We hide in fear rather than live in light.

So what is it you dream about?  If you could design your life from scratch, what would it be?  Where would you live, what would be your life work, your hobbies, how would you serve your neighbors, how would you spend time with your family?

Would you come to Kona with me and participate in the Ironman World Championships, 2015?  (yep there it is, another dream!)  Would you take a cruise  through the rivers of Germany?  Come on dig deep, let your dream stretch and breathe in the fresh air!  Tell me!  You know you want to!

What would your life be like without limits?  It's your life; Opt in!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Amazing Bruschetta

You know I love Italian food. It is in my blood. One thing I love is a light meal that is easy to make and can be customized to make it perfect for my taste.
Bruschetta fits that description perfectly; it can be a light snack on movie night with the family, a party appetizer or the centerpiece for a scrumptious meal.
There are, of course many ways to prepare brushcetta but I will show you my favorite, because it is my favorite.

Mine is not traditional, it has a few twists.
I like a more substantial tomato taste and texture so I do thick slices, but you can always do the traditional chopped. I use gluten free sourdough bread rather than the traditional Italian loaf, and I use Daiya brand mozzarella flavored soy cheese.
Prepare yours traditionally if you so desire. It tastes great both ways.

So here is the recipe in all it's simplistic glory;
  • 1 Tbsp of Olive Oil (I use garlic grapeseed oil)

  • Italian or sourdough bread (2 thick slices)

  • 1 medium tomato (sliced thick)

  • 1/2 cup of mozzarella cheese (or Mozza flavored soy cheese)

  • Italian seasoning blend (or a 1/4 tsp each of fresh basil, oregano, marjoram, thyme & rosemary)

  • 1 clove of garlic, minced

  • pinch of black pepper

Brush the bread lightly with olive oil, then place tomato on top of bread, cover tomato with mozzarella, sprinkle seasoning, garlic and pepper over cheese.
place on baking sheet and broil till cheese is bubbly and beginning to brown on edges (about 4 minutes) watch closely because it burns easily.
serve hot or cold.


Monday, August 29, 2011

Garden Pasta Recipe

It is Monday again which means it is time for a Meatless Monday recipe. I know some of you may be thinking “what is Meatless Monday?” or “why would I not want to eat meat on Monday’s?” Meatless Monday is a movement to remove meat from the average American’s diet one day a week.
Why you ask would you want to do that, especially if you are not a vegetarian and think not eating meat sounds crazy? There are several reasons to cutting down on the amount of meat you are consuming.

• First it is healthier! By cutting back on meat you will reduce your risk of chronic, preventable conditions like, cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity according to the Monday Campaign.
• It’s cheaper! – Meat and Dairy are one of the most expensive items you purchase when grocery shopping.
• It is easier! Yes, I said easier. I found a lot of my time preparing dinner every night was spent on defrosting, cutting and cooking the meat. My meatless meals are prepared in much less time.
• Meatless is also a greener choice. The meat industry produces nearly one-fifth of the man-made greenhouse gas emissions. Reducing our meat consumption also reduces water and fuel consumption.

I chose a recipe that is light and will utilize some of the fresh vegetables you are probably getting plenty of around now from your gardens!
Also, you can use a gluten-free pasta to make this light tasty dish gluten-free and soy cheese to make it dairy free.

If you already had a meal planned for tonight, try this tomorrow night. It’s ok to shake things up and have a Meatless Tuesday too!

Angel Hair Pasta with Fresh Tomato Sauce

Serves: 6
Prep: 25min
Cook: 10min
Total: 4hr 35min

• 10 medium tomatoes, chopped
• 1 summer squash, chopped
• 1 onion, chopped
• 1 bunch fresh basil, thinly sliced, plus extra basil for garnish
• 1/4 cup red wine vinegar
• 2 tablespoons olive oil
• 3 cloves garlic, minced
• 1 teaspoon sugar
• 1 package (1 pound) angel hair pasta (gluten free pasta can be substituted)
• 8 ounces part-skim mozzarella cheese, grated (soy cheese can be substituted)

1. In a large bowl, combine the tomatoes, summer squash, onion, basil, vinegar, oil, garlic, and sugar.
2. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and let it stand at room temperature for at least 4 hours.
3. When the sauce is ready, cook the pasta according to the package directions, and drain.
4. Transfer the pasta to a large serving bowl, and cover with the sauce and cheese.
5. Gently toss to mix well.

Recipe courtesy of Rodale Healthy Recipes & Options 4 Life

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Mom’s Garden Dill Pickles

This recipe takes me way back to summers as a child. I remember helping mom with her canning in that kitchen that seemed so big and filled with wonder. 

We would spend the morning out in the garden picking the choicest cucumbers for her special pickles. Only the best would do, of course. We would fill a basket and go back inside and wash them off, then line them up on the cutting board for inspection.

I remember being scared she was going to cut her finger off the way she wielded that knife. Such precision and speed, each quarter of the cucumber was the size of the last and so on until all the cucumbers were dressed and ready for the jars.

As if on an assembly line, she would line up jars on the counter. Into each steaming jar she would sprinkle some green stuff and yellow stuff and white stuff. What came next was all the fun. We would stuff the jars full of soft fragrant cucumber pieces.

Next she would pour in what looked like water but smelled like pickles. We would seal them with flat discs that sometimes doubled as mini-Frisbees when not being used to seal jars. Twist on the funny lids with the missing middle bits. Then she would put the jars into the biggest pot I had ever seen in my whole life.

What came out that amazing pot was the best dang pickles you ever tasted.

I am older now, mom is not here and the kitchen is just not so awe inspiring, yet that smell always takes me back and I remember those summer days and that I still love those pickles.

So here it is, Mom’s Garden Dill Pickle Recipe…

Yield = 1 quart jar

· 1 clove of garlic
· 1 Tablespoon of Dill Weed
· 1 Tablespoon canning salt
· ¼ teaspoon Alum
· 4-6 Pickling cucumbers (depending on size and cut, ex. Chips, slices, quarters, whole     etc…)
· 1 cup vinegar (5-6% acidity)
· 2 cups water

Place garlic, dill weed, salt & Alum in the bottom of a sterilized quart jar. Stuff jar with cucumbers.
Mix together vinegar and water solution and pour over cucumbers. Fill to ½ inch from top of jar. (You may have extra solution and that is fine. Incorporate extra solution into next jar or discard.)

Place in boiling water wash canner ensuring water is 1-2 inches over jar tops. Boil for 10-12 minutes. Remove from canner and allow to cool for 24 hours. Serve chilled.