Sunday, April 15, 2012

Spring Cleaning – You!

 Spring is upon us and it’s that time of year when we come out of the short, cold & dreary days of winter and are moving into the longer, warmer and sunny days of spring. This time of year we seem to naturally want to “Spring Clean” and clean out the garage, go through the piles that have collected in our homes over winter, and get the yard trimmed and ready so we can see the fabulous color that explodes in our yards.  We want to put away the coats, gloves and hats and bring out the shorts, tank, and swimsuits. 

HOLD IT!  Shorts, tanks and…. swimsuits???  OK, now, if you are like me, you start to panic!  

No need to worry or have regrets about New Year Resolutions you have not kept.  Instead, I would like to challenge you to join me and “Spring Clean” YOU! 
Start fresh, it does not matter what you have already done or not done. There is nothing you can do about it and it does you no good to give it another thought. Lets instead focus on the future and what you WILL do.

Don’t over think it!  It doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, it is quite simple.  It does require some effort, and there is no magic remote that will fix it. But I guarantee you will feel less overwhelmed, have more energy, and get more accomplished.

Lets get started…

First – you need to clean up what you are eating!!  You are in fact what you eat - no way around it.

1.     Get rid of the sugar – cut out sugary drinks (including diet soda!), cut out sweets and candy.  If you need something sweet use honey, Stevia or Agave. Stay Away from sugar substitutes!
2.     Add more vegetables and fruits in your diet and cut back on the dairy and meat.  Smoothies are a great way to include more vegetables and fruits as well as salads – just be careful what you are adding to that salad!
Try almond, rice or soymilk, cut back on cheese, sour cream and butter.  Try 1 or 2 recipes a week that has no meat or add less meat.
3.     Eat “clean” – You can do this by cutting back on processed food. If it comes in a can, a box, pouch, or came fully prepared and is frozen (frozen pizza, hot pockets etc.) DO NOT eat it!  Instead choose to prepare your food from fresh ingredients that have not been processed.  Processed foods add things you cannot even pronounce yet alone should eat!  Not to mention additives in our food cause many serious and problematic side effects (one of the most common is migraines) and does nothing to actually nourish your body. - which is why we eat is it not?

This may take a little planning. but is not difficult and definitely worth the extra time.  Write a grocery list and maybe try a new recipe!  (I love  Not only will this help you plan ahead and make better food choices, shopping from a list has been proven to drastically cut your grocery bill - even better – yes?

Second – Get more organized
We all feel better and can do more when we remove clutter from our lives and are more organized.  Pick one or two things in your home that have been frustrating you and clean it out.  An example would be struggling to find clothes to wear in the morning.  Schedule part of a day this coming week to get your laundry caught up and closet organized. 
Or this may be a pile in the kitchen, or a room that needs organizing,. Whatever it is pick one or two projects and schedule a day you are going to get it done. Being more organized leaves time for other things you want to accomplish.

Third – You knew this one was coming…exercise! 
You need to get moving more. I know, I know, you have heard this all before but just take a small step and get started. Take a 30-minute walk preferably everyday, but at least 3 times a week– that’s it!  It is a start and very doable.  Walking this time of year is also very enjoyable with all the colors, and warmer weather.  Don’t over think it just do it.  No need to worry about special clothing, shoes etc.  Just make sure you are dressed and grab a bottle of water – done! 

I could go on and on about the benefits of exercising but we all know it is good for us.  I would, however, like to give  you a refresher:  You will sleep better, think better, look better and just feel better! 

Last, but certainly not least, take time even if it’s only an hour and unplug from the rest of the world. Take some time for you.  Shut off TV, turn the laptop off, set your phone on the counter and take a warm bubble bath, read, do Yoga, or take that walk ;) whatever it is just allow yourself to tune into YOU and relax.

I am starting my spring cleaning  - join me and please share your experience in the comments below.

Ahhh!… I LOVE Spring!


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