Thursday, September 1, 2011

Amazing Bruschetta

You know I love Italian food. It is in my blood. One thing I love is a light meal that is easy to make and can be customized to make it perfect for my taste.
Bruschetta fits that description perfectly; it can be a light snack on movie night with the family, a party appetizer or the centerpiece for a scrumptious meal.
There are, of course many ways to prepare brushcetta but I will show you my favorite, because it is my favorite.

Mine is not traditional, it has a few twists.
I like a more substantial tomato taste and texture so I do thick slices, but you can always do the traditional chopped. I use gluten free sourdough bread rather than the traditional Italian loaf, and I use Daiya brand mozzarella flavored soy cheese.
Prepare yours traditionally if you so desire. It tastes great both ways.

So here is the recipe in all it's simplistic glory;
  • 1 Tbsp of Olive Oil (I use garlic grapeseed oil)

  • Italian or sourdough bread (2 thick slices)

  • 1 medium tomato (sliced thick)

  • 1/2 cup of mozzarella cheese (or Mozza flavored soy cheese)

  • Italian seasoning blend (or a 1/4 tsp each of fresh basil, oregano, marjoram, thyme & rosemary)

  • 1 clove of garlic, minced

  • pinch of black pepper

Brush the bread lightly with olive oil, then place tomato on top of bread, cover tomato with mozzarella, sprinkle seasoning, garlic and pepper over cheese.
place on baking sheet and broil till cheese is bubbly and beginning to brown on edges (about 4 minutes) watch closely because it burns easily.
serve hot or cold.


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