Sunday, February 3, 2013

Homemade Healthy Protein Bar

Do you like protein bars to snack on during the day? 
I do. But they have so many hidden ingredients that lets just say makes most of them less than healthy! This is my homemade version that is not only good for you but much cheaper than than the store bought bars.  Enjoy!

1 ¼ C Peanut Butter
4 C Rolled Oats -
1 ¼ C Dried Cranberries
½ - ¾ C chopped nuts (I use almonds or walnuts)
2 T ground flaxseed
1 ¼ C water
5 servings of protein powder – preferably a rice/plant based protein (I like the Sunwarrior vanilla)

Blend all ingredients together well. I throw it all in my kitchen aid and let it do it for me. But hand mixing works great too.
It should be sticky - add more water if it is too flaky.
Firmly press into a cookie sheet. I place a layer of saran wrap into the cookie sheet, then add the ingredients followed by an additional layer of saran wrap on top of the bars– this allows me to firmly press them into the cookie sheet using a rolling pin without it sticking to the rolling pin. This also makes removal from the cookie sheet a breeze.
Once bars are evenly and firmly pressed into the cookie sheet, place cookie sheet into the freezer for 30-40 minutes
Remove from freezer and grab both layers of saran wrap lifting the entire bars out of the cookie sheet.
Place on a counter, remove top sheet of saran wrap and cut into desired sized bars
Makes approx. 20- 25 bars

For variations you may grind a small amount of dark chocolate or add coconut shreds etc. Just be sure to adjust water & peanut butter

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